It’s amazing how far digital photography has come in the last decade! When the technology first came out many photographers were very skeptical and they believed that it was going to destroy the world of photography forever and they were scared that everyone was going to be able to become a photographer and remove any kind of professionalism associated with this art form. We all know this isn’t the case and in fact digital photography has done more for the world of photography than anything else in history.What we’ve come to realize is that digital photography and print photography have been split into two different categories and that neither of the two are better than each other. Going back to that belief that many photographers had about digital photography ruining any form of professionalism, this is of course not the case. There are many professional digital photographers who do amazing work and use this piece of technology to its fullest extent.So How Do I Get Involved In Digital Photography?Well it’s so simple, all you have to do is go out and buy a digital camera and start shooting! No but seriously though, there are some things you have to know first but they are pretty basic. First of all you are going to need to get a camera with a decent lens. Fortunately most professional cameras come digitally nowadays so you shouldn’t have any problem finding one. The benefit of having a camera with a great lens is that you will have the ability to focus on different things in your shots. This is the real art of photography, being able to show something that stands out and has meaning. That meaning you will of course have to find and explain yourself through your pictures.Benefits of Digital PhotographyThere are many benefits of digital photography but perhaps the most obvious is that you will have the ability to see what you have taken and choose whether or not it is worth keeping or discarding. The second benefit is that you can also upload your pictures onto your computer so you can edit and change them around. There are lots of different pieces of photo editing software out there that allow you to do amazing things.If you are just deciding to start digital photography now, then you have started at the right time as we will only start to see more and more advancements in this form of technology in the future which of course we will have the privilege of first trying and testing. Good luck!
Video Marketing – Trump the Competition and Win New Customers In No Time
As a savvy marketer, you’re always looking for an edge. Competition for customers is keen. You need to generate leads, build your brand, and promote your products and services.
Fortunately, online video marketing helps you do that. And when it’s properly integrated you’ll see results in a zip.
Simply put video marketing works and now ranks as the sixth most popular content marketing tactic. Seventy percent of B2B marketers create online video.
Let’s examine five compelling facts about online video marketing:
Fact #1: Online video marketing is exploding
To say that video marketing is growing is an understatement. Its rate of acceptance and adoption is remarkable. Alexa, for example, ranks YouTube, as the third most popular website in the world. In just the U.S., YouTube has over 189 million unique viewers.
But effective marketing must be targeted. For B2B marketers that’s not a problem. Today, 83% of senior executives watch more online video than last year, according to a survey by Forbes Insights.
This means you can achieve greater exposure. More viewers – viewers that matter – lead to more customers. And more customers lead to more sales. You won’t have to explain this to your boss.
Fact #2: Online video marketing is versatile
One reason online video is so popular lies in its versatility. Marketers can use online video to repurpose other marketing materials such as white papers and case studies.
Also, marketers can promote their products and services using a fresh delivery method that informs, educates and even entertains prospects.
Internet videos can be found in e-newsletters, blogs and websites. And prospects and customers can subscribe to them as RSS feeds.
Let’s not forget social media. Videos abound on sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+, to name a few.
Versatility translates into extraordinary marketing power. Video introduces a new way of communicating. It enhances existing marketing platforms by bringing them to life, such as email marketing.
This uncovers a sea of new consumers who perhaps wouldn’t “read” your content. Viewing videos is faster and in many cases more preferable to reading text. Now you’re reaching a wider audience.
Fact #3: Shareability is fast and effortless
In the same Forbes study mentioned above, 54% of senior executives said they share
videos with their colleagues every week. A slightly greater percentage, 59%, says they receive work-related videos.
Again, these statistics show that online videos are highly shareable. More important to B2B marketers is that decision makers share and receive these videos.
The future for sharing videos online is bright. The data suggest this trend will significantly increase. Younger executives share videos at much greater rates. While 47% of all executive say they post videos to social networks, that percentage increases to 69% for younger executives.
Fact #4: Video Search Engine Optimization Extends Reach and Access
Search engine optimization work wonders for textual content. And it works especially well for videos. As with text, video content has to be useful. Relevant and valuable content attracts prospects.
For videos embedded on your website, you can optimize videos by including keywords in the title. And use those keywords in the description.
On YouTube you have three opportunities to add keywords. A form pops up that includes fields for the title, the description and tags.
Optimizing your videos makes them easier for your target audience to find. Keep those senior executives in mind when optimizing your videos.
Fact #5: Internet Video Achieves Great Impact with Low Cost
By now, I’m sure you agree that video marketing has great impact. It reaches millions of viewers, depending on the platform you use. Its shareability is instantaneous. And it does a good job in reaching and attracting your target market.
Video drives action. According to a Forrester report, click-through rates easily double and even triple when inserting video into emails.
Michael Miller, author of The Idiot’s Guide to Video Marketing estimates that a business can invest as little as a $1,000 dollars to develop quality videos. Some businesses may not need an investment at all.
Round Out Your Marketing Campaigns with Video
If you haven’t already integrated videos into your marketing, consider adding it now.
You can easily rev up your lead generation and branding by adding online video to your marketing mix. Video has many advantages with no obvious downside.
It adds another dimension to your marketing content, while expanding your prospect universe. More viewers lead to more conversions. More conversions lead to more profits.
It’s fast. It’s affordable. Most importantly, your customers love it.
Is Online Shopping Better Than Actually Going to the Malls?
In the last few years, there has been a dramatic increase in online shopping. Despite difficult economic times, online shopping is thriving. There are a number of reasons why online shopping has become more popular than going to traditional ‘brick and mortar’ shopping malls.
Below are a number of reasons why online shopping is better than actually going to the malls:
1. Going to a traditional shopping mall requires getting ready, getting the proper clothing, doing your hair and make up, making sure you have your money, and getting in your vehicle and driving there. When you shop online, you just switch on the computer, connect to the internet, and start shopping. It is easy, convenient, and it does not matter what are wearing and what you look like.
2. Transportation can be a hassle when you shop at a traditional mall. You have to spend money on fuel, fight the traffic, locate a parking spot, and carry all your purchased items to the car. With online shopping, you don’t have to worry about transportation hassles and often your packages are delivered right to the door. If you don’t have a car, taking a bus can be a real hassle when going to a mall.
3. Shopping malls are well-known for the crowds. It can be frustrating trying to get the items you want to purchase. With online shopping, there are no pushy crowds and you can relax and enjoy your online shopping experience.
4. Shopping online is better for the environment. Most online retailers keep their items at a central distribution centre so there is less energy being used which is better for the planet. Retail stores have such energy consuming things as lights and heating and cooling units. As well, shipping from online stores is better on the environment. According to the Center for Energy and Climate Solutions, “shipping two 20 pound packages by overnight air – the most energy-intensive delivery mode – still uses 40 percent less fuel than driving 20 miles round-trip to the mall or store.”
5. Online shopping is a definite time saver. Most people shop on the weekends. Many shopping experiences at a traditional mall can take an entire day. Online shopping saves time so you can enjoy the rest of your weekend. Or, you may have the weekend free if you online shop during the weekday. You can shop any time of the day or night.
6. You can save a lot of money when you online shop. There are many deals on the internet just waiting to be scooped up. As well, most online shops offer free shipping on a certain amount purchased. You are also paying a cheaper price because online stores have less overhead.
7. Shopping online gives access to millions of different products. When you go to a shopping at a shopping mall, you only have access to what the stores have in stock so you end up going from store to store trying to find what you are looking for. Sometimes, it is not always available. When shopping online, you almost always find what you are looking for. You can also comparison shop to find the deals.
Online shopping is continuing to grow at astounding rates. With improvements in secure payment processing, the online shopping industry shows no signs of slowing down. More consumers are discovering that it is a great way to find exactly what you are looking for at a low price.